A friendly reminder that the new financial year starts on July 1st, and with it comes some adjustments to our opening hours and fees for Emerald Medical Group.
Here's what you can expect regarding fees:
Our fees for private services will be increasing. As an example, for a standard appointment the privately billed fee will be increasing to $105.00.
Bulk billing is still available with specific doctors to patients under 16 years old, or on a pension and concession card ONLY. If you require a bulk billing doctor, please discuss this with reception.
We're committed to keeping costs as affordable as possible while continuing to provide high-quality care.
Opening hours:
Our opening hours for Monday to Friday will be reduced to 7:30am till 6pm
Our Saturday hours will be changing to 9:00am to 2:00pm.
We understand navigating healthcare costs can be tricky, so we want to be transparent about these upcoming changes. But unfortunately, due to the ongoing increase in operating costs we need to adjust our fees and opening hours.
In the meantime, please call us on 07 4986 7400 or see our reception staff if you have any concerns.